Whether you want to grow your business, your personal wealth, or a combination of the two, we’re here to help.
We’ve been doing it for more than 20 years for well over 10,000 clients.
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We help you build wealth in five main ways: develop a sound wealth creation strategy; ensure you protect your wealth and your ability to earn an income; maximise your tax-effectiveness; help you source finance and reduce debt; and establish an ongoing, proactive relationship.
Our Personal Wealth Advisory Division incorporates Financial Planning, Mortgage Broking/Lending Advisory, Personal taxation, SMSF taxation, personal insurance and superannuation advice. We work together to achieve the best overall financial & lifestyle outcomes for you.
We’ll only recommend that we do any work for you if we can ‘hand on heart’ be of benefit to you and add value to your life. Within our Financial Planning offering we charge on a Fee for Service basis for initial and ongoing advice, and we quote in advance so there are no surprises.
A key part of our Financial Planning service is that we have our own Australian Financial Services License (AFSL). This means we’re completely objective about the advice we give you. Also our Lending Advisory service is not aligned to any products or providers so we will always identify the right finance for your needs.
We have no financial affiliation with any product or product provider which would influence the selection of a product or provider on your behalf. This ensures we can provide objective advice that is tailored to help you achieve your goals.
We love developing win/win relationships that grow with our client’s needs. We have a range of fixed-price ongoing service packages that ensure your overall financial strategy keeps pace with your changing needs and lifestyle, and is tailored to your current life stage.
Everything we do is focused on one thing: to liberate your lifestyle. We help you develop clarity and confidence in your financial future. We provide Planning, Advice, and Accountability to enable you to achieve your goals for the reasons that are important to you.